Friday, July 26, 2019

Relationship between Communication and Maslow's Hierarchy of Research Paper

Relationship between Communication and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Research Paper Example It is logical that some needs are impossible to be satisfied without communication, for example, social needs (friendship, love) are impossible without a partner which implies his or her search by means of communication, and this paper will investigate into the role of the interpersonal communication in the human needs satisfaction. Every individual has his or her needs which are the things that are necessary for living and survival, depending on the level of the needs. The needs are the things that make an individual act in a proper way to satisfy them and to stay alive, which means that the needs cannot be left unsatisfied. Many of the needs of a human being imply interpersonal communication: for example, such need as love or any other form of relationship demands a partner finding which is possible only by means of communication with the potential partner. This paper will consider to which extent the communication between the individuals is important in terms of human needs satisfaction. The hypothesis of the present research is that the interpersonal communication is important for satisfaction of human needs at all their levels and significantly affects this process and may be an unalienable component of the successful result. An Outline of Human Needs. Abraham Maslow’s theoretical works on the phenomenon of the human needs is the material which is most often referred to in this regard. He described all the needs of a human being by means of their hierarchic organization, graphically also known as the Maslow pyramid, into five levels: physiological needs, safety needs, love or belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. (Maslow, 1943, 370-396). The first level, physiological needs, obviously, is the primary level which includes the basic human needs necessary for survival, such as eating and sleeping. (Maslow, 1943, 373). The second level, safety needs, is the level implying securing the life safety and the things which are also necessary for

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